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Prowl Rider

The latest PA-Gear, based on prototype gear developed by the Kindred Rebellion which was obtained, analyzed, and completed by the EDF.
This gear stands above the others with the astonishing mobility of its wire-powered "E-Needle" ability, and the "G-L.I.A.R" ability that can be used during Overdrive to deploy a giant creature. However, the experience of a truly seasoned soldier is essential in order to effectively control the oft erratic E-Needle, and harness the potent G-L.I.A.R.

Essentially a living tank, a G-L.I.A.R. is a giant creature controlled using the Prowl Rider's E-Needle ability, which sends neural pulse waves after linking to the giant creature's nerve fibers. The concept of "domesticating" the giant creatures was initially devised by the Kindred Rebellion, with the EDF later rushing to begin their own research into it.

G-L.I.A.R.(Ganglion-Linked Intelligent Aggressor Reinforcement)
Specimen No. 1: Storm Ant

The first G-L.I.A.R that the EDF mobilized in actual battle.
Essentially a living tank, a G-L.I.A.R. is a giant creature controlled using the Prowl Rider's E-Needle ability, which sends neural pulse waves after linking to the giant creature's nerve fibers.
This specimen is a Storm Ant that was plundered from the Rebellion's base along with the Prowl Rider technology, and is currently the EDF Science and Technology Bureau's top research priority. After repeated field testing, G-L.I.A.R. is now being used by the Blast team, but much of its control mechanism remains shrouded in mystery, with some calling it a "black box" that could go wrong at any time. All we can do is trust the bug geek...err, tech expert that EDF Science sent with it, who claims it is a "kind and gentle creature."